Shiny Sexy Soft

14.10.2023 – 01.11.2023

Shiny Sexy Soft, DaddyBears’s first ever solo show at Roman Road, presents a fragmented glimpse into the world of sex work, and the projected glamorisation and stigmatisation it habitually assumes. Drawing on the interior spaces of sex work, or those that are conceived and created to impart a desired delusion, the show communicates a broken fantasy, destabilising the imagined experience.

A dimly lit space with the blackest of blacks flooring houses several unique and upholstered found object sculptures, while the walls are adorned with floor-to-ceiling textile photographs documenting a domestic space decorated with blurred stock photos of female nudes. Through her immersive exhibition, DaddyBears seeks to reappropriate one man’s interior design choices into a new and fantastical room of her own.

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Photos by Deniz Guzel.

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